Sve u duhu predstojecih praznika, Bozica i Nove godine, i ja se odlucih da u dobrom drustvu pogledam neki film sa blagdanskom tematikom.
Izbor je naravno pa na Monty Python's Life of Brian ili na srpskom "Monti Pajton: Zitije Brajanovo".
I posle 26 godina, snimljen je 1979, film nije izgubio na svezini niti na upecatljivosti.
Par isecaka iz scenarija:
- Who cured you?
- Jesus did, sir. I was hopping along, minding my own business. All of a sudden, up he comes. Cures me. One minute I'm a leper with a trade, next minute my livelihood's gone. Not so much as a by your leave. 'You're cured mate.' Bloody do-gooder.
- Well, why don't you go and tell him you want to be a leper again?
- Ah, yeah. I could do that, sir. Yeah. Yeah, I could do that, I suppose. What I was thinking was, I was going to ask him if he could make me a bit lame in one leg during the middle of the week. You know, something beggable, but not leprosy, which is a pain in the arse, to be blunt. Excuse my French, sir, but, uh--
- ----
- Brian (to adoring crowd): You've got to think for yourself! You are all individuals!
- Crowd (in unison): Yes, we are all individuals!
- Brian (to adoring crowd): You are all different!
- Crowd (in unison): Yes, we are all different!
- Single voice (from within the crowd)(Thought to be George Harrison): I'm not.
- Crowd (in unison):Shh!
Bas do bola....
Pozdrav iz Dubai-a / UAE
Sale Bognar (1970.)
Bas do bola....
Pozdrav iz Dubai-a / UAE
Sale Bognar (1970.)
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